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Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What insect is this? > Garden Pests > Caterpillars, maggots, grubs, and similar immature insects - Larger than 3/4 inch long > Variegated cutworm

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Variegated cutworm

Peridroma saucia

Variegated cutworm

Lacy L. Hyche, Auburn University,

Description: Up to 2 inches long.

Where/When: Feeds on a wide range of vegetables, including asparagus, bean, carrot, celery, corn, cucumber, lettuce, pea, pepper, potato, radish, and tomato. They are also known to attack fruit trees, such as apple and cherry, and ornamental plants, such as hostas. Active from May through August or September.

Significance: Plants, especially seedlings, are damaged and usually killed when they are cut at or slightly above or below the soil line. Most damage in gardens occurs during spring. They also climb plants and can feed on leaves, buds and fruit.

More information on Variegated cutworm

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