In the fall, with soil temps above 50F, 4" deep
In the fall, with soil temps below 50F, 4" deep
In the fall, with soil temps above 50F, 4" deep, with N-Serve
In the fall, with soil temps below 50F, 4" deep, with N-Serve
In the early spring (end of March or in April)
In May
What was the predominant spring (May) soil condition?
Normal or dryer than normal
Wetter than normal
There was/is standing water in the fields
How does the crop look?
Taller than 12-16" and chlorotic
Shorter than 12-16" and chlorotic
Shorter than 12-16" and normal green color
Taller than 12-16" and normal green color
Supplemental fertilizer is recommended at a rate between 40 and 70 lbs of Nitrogen per acre
Recalculate the worksheet in a week - the corn height/color will most likely change