University of Minnesota Extension

Extension > Crop production > Nutrient Management > Crop Calculators

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Crop Calculators

Crop calculators help determine needed nutrients


Alfalfa Calculator

This tool will aid in the determination of fertilizer needed for alfalfa based on your soil test values.


Barley Calculator

This tool will aid in the determination of fertilizer needed for barley based on your soil test values


In Season Corn N Calculator (Now in our App!)

Use this simple calculator in early to mid-June to determine if supplemental, or extra, N is needed.


Soybean Calculator

This tool will help you improve your yield by determining how much lime is needed to offset phosphorus and potassium in your soil.


Wheat Calculator (Now in our App!)

Tool uses past performance and soil tests to improve your next crop.

Corn Nitrogen Rate Calculator

Iowa State University-Agronomy Extension website calculator uses a newly developed method for determining corn N rate guidelines that is being implemented in several Corn Belt states.

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