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Rhorus varifrons (Ichneumonid parasitic wasp)
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Rhorus varifrons is in the family Ichneumonidae. Ichneumonidae are parasitic wasps that use their long ovipositors to deposit eggs into an insect host. We only had one Rhorus varifrons in the Bee Atlas project. It emerged from a block located in Duluth, St. Louis County in 2017.
No information at this time.
Nest Structure
The only other insect that emerged from the same nest as the Rhorus varifrons was a common sawfly in the family Tenthredinidae. The sawfly may have been using the tunnel as a sheltered overwintering place and may not have been the insect host.
Hole Sizes
No information at this time.
No information at this time.
Activity Period
No information at this time.
Thank you to John Luhman for identifying all of our Ichneumonid specimens.
Minnesota Record Map
These data are from the Minnesota Bee Atlas project.
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