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Formicidae (Ants)
All ants are in the family Formicidae. They join bees, wasps, and sawflies in the order Hymenoptera. We did not identify Bee Atlas ants to genus or species.
Ants are common and usually easily recognized insects. Workers are wingless, but reproductive males and females have wings. The first and sometimes second metasomatic segment(s) have a hump or node that is clearly separated from the rest of the metasoma, often called the "ant bump" (see pictures), which can be used to distinguish winged ants from similar looking wasps.
Nest Structure
Ants are social insects that live in large colonies in a wide range of terrestrial habitats. Many ants are predators of other insects, and Bee Atlas nest holes that were colonized by ants did not have any other insects emerge from them. Each ant nest in a Bee Atlas block is represented by one or two specimens.
Hole Sizes
Ants have been found in most holes in Bee Atlas blocks.
No information at this time.
Activity Period
No information at this time.
Triplehorn, C.A and N.F. Johnson. 2005. Borror and DeLong's introduction to the study of insects, 7th ed. Thomson, Brooks/Cole, Australia.
Minnesota Record Map
These data are from the Minnesota Bee Atlas project.
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