Species guide - species detail
Trypoxylon sp. (Spider wasps)
Trypoxylon is a genus of wasps in the family Crabronidae. There are many species of Trypoxylon in North America. We have not identified MN Bee Atlas Trypoxylon to species, but there appears to be at least two species nesting in Bee Atlas blocks.
Trypoxylon spp. have long abdomens that arc down and are wider at the tip then the base. They are typically dark with little or no markings and do not fold their wings at rest. They range from medium-sized to the size of a grass-carrying wasp (Isodontia mexicana).
Nest Structure
Trypoxylon spp. are solitary-nesters; each female builds her own nests, using mud or sand for partitions and plugs. Plugs frequently have a smooth outer surface. This is in contrast to the bee Osmia lignaria that also uses mud, but tends to have chunkier, rougher-looking nest plugs. Trypoxylon stock their nests with paralyzed spiders.
Hole Sizes
Trypoxylon nest in all hole sizes in Bee Atlas blocks.
Trypoxylon can have 2 generations per year in Minnesota.
Activity Period
Summer into early fall.
No information at this time.
Minnesota Record Map
These data are from the Minnesota Bee Atlas project.
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