University of Minnesota Extension

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Heriades sp. (Resin bee)



The genus Heriades is in the family Megachilidae. The genus Heriades are sometimes known as “resin bees” because they use resin instead of leaf tissues to build their nests. There are only 3 species known from Minnesota. The majority of our specimens are of H.carinata, but in 2017 we had nests of both H. leavitti and H. variolosa as well. Heriades that aren't identified to species were partial or damaged specimens.


Heriades are fairly small bees, a little smaller than Osmia pumila. Their exoskeletons are all black with less hair and more coarsely sculpted exoskeletons than many other bees. In shape, they are robust but thinner and more cylindrical in body form compared to Megachile sp., which frequently have abdomens that appear somewhat broad and flattened. Heriades have white bands across the abdomen and their abdomens frequently appear to curl downward. The females collect pollen in scopa, or pollen brushes, under the abdomen, like all nest-building Megachilidae. Scopal hairs and many body hairs appear very light or white.

Nest Structure

Heriades use resin to build internal nest walls and nest plugs. Resin plugs may be light or dark, with or without debris stuck into them. Resin plugs can be distinguished from other plugs because they are either tacky or rock hard, not papery or flexible. Sometimes if you press lightly with your fingernail you can see an indent left in the newer tacky plugs and you may even notice a "piney" smell.

Hole Sizes

Heriades nest in column 3 holes (1/8"-3/16") in Bee Atlas blocks.


No information at this time.

Activity Period

Heriades species are active from mid-June to mid-August in Minnesota.


No information at this time.

Minnesota Record Map

These data are from the Minnesota Bee Atlas project.

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