University of Minnesota Extension

Species guide - species detail

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Coelioxys octodentata (Cuckoo bee)



Coelioxys is a genus in the Megachilidae family that consists of cuckoo bees. Instead of building their own nests, these bees enter the nest of another bee and lay their eggs in the host cells. The Coelioxys larvae displace the host larvae and grow in their place.


Coelioxys all have relatively long abdomens that taper to a distinctive point. They are generally less hairy than other bees, but they have hairy eyeballs. Females have no pollen collecting hairs, as they do not collect pollen or build nests.

Nest Structure

The one Coelioxys octodentata specimen from the MN Bee Atlas parasitized a Megachile rotundata nest in a stem of Eutrochium purpureum.

Hole Sizes

No information at this time.


No information at this time.

Activity Period

No information at this time.


No information at this time.

Minnesota Record Map

These data are from the Minnesota Bee Atlas project.

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