Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What insect is this? > Garden Pests > Beetles, bugs, ants, and other insects without obvious wings - Larger than 1/2 inch long > Blister beetles
Blister beetles
Lytta sayi
Mary Lou Marchand
Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension
Description: 1/2 - 3/4 inch long
Ant-like head. Head, prothorax (behind the head) and wing covers are dull green with orange and black legs.
Where/When: Feeds on flower blossoms of iris and lupines. Other species feed on leaves of several legumes such as peashrub (caragana), alfalfa, and also potato.
Significance: Large numbers may defoliate plants. Defensive oil (cantharidin) may be highly irritating when handling beetles, however garden blister beetles generally have lower concentrations.
More information on blister beetles