Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What insect is this? > Garden Pests > Flies, moths, wasps,and other insects with obvious wings - 3/4 inch and larger > Cicada killer
Cicada killer
Sphecius speciousus
Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension
Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension
Description: 1 - 1 1/2 inches long. Black and reddish brown thorax, amber colored wings, reddish brown legs, and a black abdomen with yellow bands.
Where/When: Prefers to nest in open, sandy, sunny areas. Burrows in the soil to build nests. Active for during July and August.
Significance: Can nest in lawns and/or gardens, often creating large mounds of dirt. They can be quite numerous in relatively small areas. Despite their size, there is very little risk for stings.
More information on cicada killers