University of Minnesota Extension

Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What insect is this? > General/curiosity insects > Insects with obvious wings: greater than 1 inch long or wingspan is 2 inches or more > Annual cicadas

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Annual cicadas (dogday cicadas)

Tibicen spp.


Dan Mullen


Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension

Description: 1 - 1 1/2 inches long. A stout insect with a green or brown body with black markings. They have clear wings and the first pair is much longer than their abdomen which they hold tent-like over their bodies. Produce a power line like sound.

Where/When: Found in urban and rural areas wherever hardwood trees are present. Active July through September.

Significance: The humming sound they produce can be a curiosity. They do not harm trees or other plants.

More information on Annual cicadas

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