Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What insect is this? > General/curiosity insects > Insects with obvious wings: ¾ - 1 inch long > Black and yellow mud dauber
Black and yellow mud dauber
Sceliphron caementarium
![Mud dauber](../../../images/insects/black_and_yellow_mud_dauber-400.jpg)
Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension
![Mud dauber](../../../images/insects/black_and_yellow_mud_dabuer_2-400.jpg)
Howard Ensign Evans, Colorado State University, Bugwood.org
Description: 3/4 - 1 inch long. Black with mostly yellow legs and yellow markings on its thorax.
Where/When: Construct small nests of mud under overhangs like eaves of buildings. Found around flowers, gardens and mud puddles, and buildings and other sites where they construct their nests; found June through August.
Significance: Not aggressive, stings are rare. Does not harm buildings where they build their nests.
More information on Black and yellow mud dauber