University of Minnesota Extension

Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What insect is this? > Trees and shrubs > Caterpillars, maggots, grubs, and similar immature insects - Under 1 inch long > Introduced pine sawfly

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Introduced pine sawfly

Diprion similis

Introduced pine sawfly

Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension

Description: 3/4 - 1 inch long. Black head and a double black stripe running the length of the top of its body with many yellow, white and black spots.

Where/When: Prefers white pine but will also can attack jack, red and Scot’s pine. Feeds on last year’s needles at first but larvae later in the year feeds on both old and new needles. Present late May to early July and again in late July to early September.

More information on Introduced pine sawfly

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