Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What insect is this? > Trees and shrubs > Not obvious insects: Insects that do not resemble insects > Hawthorn mealybug
Hawthorn mealybug
Phenacoccus dearnessi
![Hawthorn mealybug](../img/hawthornmealybug-400.jpg)
Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension
Description: 1/8 inch long. Round and red and covered with a white waxy material. Produces honeydew, a shiny, sticky substance.
Where/When: Feeds on small branches and twigs on the leaves of hawthorn trees as well as mountainash, juneberry (Amelanchier) and other rose family (Rosaceae) plants including juneberry, mountain ash and Prunus spp.
More information on Hawthorn mealybug