Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What's wrong with my plant? > Annuals and Perennials > Hosta > Wilted leaves
Hosta > Wilted leaves
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Petiole Rot
Sclerotium rolfsii
- Leaves, turn yellow, then brown, wilt and fall down
- Older, outer most leaves are infected first, followed by younger inner leaves
- Infected leaves come off easily and are brown and mushy at the base
- Tiny tan to reddish brown hard spheres and white cottony growth can be seen at the base of infected leaves or in the soil around infected plants
- Often seen after warm wet weather
- More information on Petiole Rot
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Cold damage
- Leaves may be puckered and cupped but do not have unusual color patterns
- Leaf margins may be dark green, soft, water soaked, and wilted
- New growth after cold period is healthy and normal looking
- Common in early spring