Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What's wrong with my plant? > Deciduous > Ironwood (Ostrya) > Holes in leaves or parts of leaves missing
Ironwood (Ostrya) > Leaves > Holes in leaves or parts of leaves missing
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Orangehumped mapleworm
Symmerista leucitys
- Larvae feed gregariously (in nonsocial groups) when young, consuming entire leaf; they disperse and feed individually when older
- Larvae have several yellow, black and white stripes in groups of three, an orange-brown head and matching "hump" near the opposite end; grow to 1 ½" long
- Feeding takes place from late June until fall
- Adults are a gray moth with white and brown markings and a 1 ½" wingspan
- More information on Orangehumped mapleworm
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Gypsy moth
Lymantria dispar
- Chew leaves and can defoliate trees
- Mature larvae are 2 inches long; upper side has five pairs of blue dots near front of body followed by six pairs of red dots down the back
- Damage occurs in June and July
- Is currently a federally quarantined pest in Minnesota; not established in Minnesota; if found, contact Arrest the Pest: 1-888-545-6684 or Arrest.the.Pest@state.mn.us
- More information on Gypsy moth