Extension > Garden > Diagnose a problem > What's wrong with my plant? > Vegetable > Peas > Poor or no emergence
Peas > Seedling > Poor or no emergence
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Damping Off
Pythium spp., Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium sp., and Aphanomyces euteiches
- Seed may rot in soil resulting in poor emergence
- Seedlings may be stunted, pale green and may wilt
- Dark sunken lesions may be seen on the stem or roots
- More information on Damping Off
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Seed Corn Maggot
Delia platura
- Maggots feed on developing seeds and can completely destroy seeds, or damage the cotyledons and first true leaves
- More common in cooler weather
- Seed corn maggot should not attack plantings made after June 1st
- Maggots are yellowish-white, about ¼ inch in length, and legless
- More information on Seed Corn Maggot
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Mycosphaerella Blight
Mycosphaerella pinodes and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella
- Seedling stem turn dark brown to black, often near the soil line, seedlings may be killed or grow weakly
- Small dark flecks on stems, leaves and pods
- Leaf spots grow into round brown spots with several concentric rings like a bull's eye
- Purplish black lesions on stems
- More information on managing diseases in the home vegetable garden